
Includes cakes, cookies, pies and other sweets.

Showing 41 - 50 of 128 recipes

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Peanut Butter Pie (Not yet rated) submitted by Laura1
Crumbly, creamy and sweet pie
Carrot Cake (Not yet rated) submitted by Laura1
Cake joined with carrots and cream cheese frosting
Lemon Meringue Pie (Not yet rated) submitted by baker
A pie with a sweet lemon filling and whipped meringue (egg white) topping.
Sugar Cookies (Not yet rated) submitted by baker
Very easy sugar cookies.
Incredible Chocolate Chip Cookies submitted by boz
Not your average chocolate chip cookie.
Homemade Marshmallows submitted by boz
Who needs fancy store-bought marshmallows when you can make your own?
Easy Cheesecake (Not yet rated) submitted by mcat52
Cheesecake with a yellow cakemix crust...delicious!
Fried Apple Pies (Not yet rated) submitted by boz
Mini apple pie pockets.
Macadamia Macaroons (Not yet rated) submitted by Laura1
Coconut, chocolate and macadamia cookies
Grilled Ambrosia Salad (Not yet rated) submitted by elnoob
Bananas, marshmallow, coconut, and grilled pineapple.